By Urvi Sohil Shah

We are born spiritual. Spirituality is nothing but our awareness of the spirit or soul,✨

Kailash, the abode of Shiva, is the home of every soul. Hence, journey to Kailash is the ultimate journey of human incarnation.It is usually a tough journey because of binding baggage from the past.

Kailash! It is the ultimate journey of man and ultimate realization of mankind!Kailash cannot be defined. Each one gets from Mansarovar and Kailash according to their spiritual eligibility. Nobody leaves the abode of Shiva empty handed.⚡️I am aware how deceitful the mighty Himalayan terrains are! When we look, the mountain ranges will seem close by and easily conquerable, but they are in fact miles away.

Roughest terrains! High Altitude! Hypoxia! Unpredictable weather! Apart from all these, the looming uncertainties associated with travels into the unpredictable, unknown terrains. Nothing is predictable, even though elaborate plans covering micro details are discussed and rehearsed time and again. Everything can change in a moment. A hail storm, a cloud burst, rains or just the change in mind of the authorities can make the pilgrimage from ecstasy to agony in no time. This has nothing to do with the organisers or the sherpas. They are as helpless as the pilgrims are. Yet, the deep inner urge for completion within or a state of total oneness with oneself, urges the seeker to take this tough trip, destroying their usual Comfort zones and plunge into the unknown and unpredictable.🌧🌪🌬☀️

Every pilgrim will be tested, one way or the other, to the hilt. Everyone gets to know themselves, their limits, their unmasked personalities, and capacity more than anything else in this endearing journey. Helplessness often hits between the eyes. There again, faith comes in handy. Only faith can help in the journey.

For me it was a journey of survival ..everyday was challenge to survive for one more ..

There is no choice. Accept the truth even if it is bitter. There is no point in complaining because everybody experiences the same problems. Sherpas work hard to make our lives comfortable. But harsh conditions like terrains, climate and less oxygen, test everyone’s strength.

But I was lucky I successfully completed my pilgrimage, which was possible only because of dear husband, Sohil Shah, who kept my faith alive. He kept looking after me in such tough circumstances, at the altitude ignoring, his own pain and discomfort ..

The journey was made easier due to Surrendering to the Lord with heartfelt, sincere gratefulness for allowing us to be at His abode.

I express Gratitude from the bottom of my heart to one and all – My angels, my daughters, Nepal Tourism Travels, parents-in-laws, my mom, the sherpas, my tour guide, and my whole Kailash group. And blessings and wishes of all my friends and well wishers.

The journey begins …..

After selecting best possible options (“best” made no sense after we reach there) we started journey as – Mumbai – Lucknow – Nepalgunj. We were held back for 48 hrs at Nepalgunj airport as weather was not in good mood. We boarded aircraft for Simikot thrice and flight got cancelled due to mood swings of dear weather. Finally we managed to reach Simikot, when weather permitted us to travel.

Simikot Altitude – 2910 m/ 9603 ft

From there we headed for Hilsa as we got fortunate to get good climatic condition for helicopter. After a night stay in Hilsa we moved ahead for Chinese immigration and customs formalities and reached Takalakot and direct Mansarovar.

Hilsa Altitude – 3640 m / 12012 ft.

On the Way we crossed Rakshas Tal and We stayed back in Mansarovar with no power no washroom and 10 beds in a room of 10 x 10. Next day we did Mansarover bus Parikrama; Sarovar bath; Pooja and than left for Darcheen.

Darcheen – 4575 m / 15097 ft.

Mansarovar – 4590 m / 15147 ft.

After a night halt in Darcheen, next morning we started for Yam dwar; from there we had booked our horses but none were available ..(as everything is unpredictable ). We waited for 2.5 hrs for horses, finally gave up and started walking, our only pillars of support being faith and surrender to the Lord. We had no Porter, no horse – whatever happens is the wish of the Lord..(When we look, the mountain ranges will seem close by and easily conquerable, but they are in fact miles away)

Finally on the way after 2 km we found 6 horses for our group and reached Dirapuk after 6 hrs. Here, poorer accommodation conditions and low oxygen posed a big challenge.

Dirapuk – 5210 m / 17193 ft.

Kailash – 6638 m / 21905 ft

But Darshan of The Kailash from north face Dirapuk can not be expressed in words; but one can just experience it .. From Dirapuk next day morning we can see golden Kailash; Its divine. and then “return journey begins”.

If you need more information about the Kailash Mansarovar Pilgrimage, use the form below to contact Urvi Shah.